New England United Methodist Credit Union
New England United Methodist Credit Union
(508) 393-2203
386 W Main St, Northborough, MA

Methodist Ministers Federal Credit Union was originally chartered on September 15, 1948, by Charles Sheline, under the laws of the Federal Government's National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). The Charter Number is 05816.

Mr. Sheline’s home was used as the credit union office for many years until a building was purchased in Pomona. That building was eventually sold and the credit union moved to its current location in Montclair in February of 1988.

The initial field of membership was limited to Methodist Ministers within the Pacific Southwest Conference and their immediate families living within the same household. This conference was divided in 1987, and the field of membership then included ministers and their families, church staff members, lay members to the Annual Conference, and conference employees of both the California-Pacific (Southern California, Hawaii, Guam) and the Desert Southwest (Arizona and Clark County, Nevada) Conferences. In 1989, all relatives by blood or marriage were added to the field of membership.

On July 1, 1990, the California Conference Credit Union (CCCU) in Berkeley was merged into Methodist Ministers FCU and the credit union's name was subsequently changed to United Methodist Federal Credit Union (UMFCU). This merger caused the field of membership to expand to now include those Methodist churches and affiliated groups within the California-Nevada Conference (Northern California and all of Nevada other that Clark County).

In 1992, UMFCU began to expand by including congregation members of the churches in the California-Pacific and Desert Southwest Conferences, and in 1994, the Northwest Methodist Federal Credit Union (NMFCU) in Portland, Oregon chose to merge with UMFCU. This expanded the UMFCU field of membership to include the clergy and staff of the United Methodist churches in the Pacific Northwest, Oregon-Idaho, and Alaska Missionary Conferences.

On January 1, 1997, the Methodist Ministers Credit Union in Denver, Colorado, serving the Rocky Mountain Conference merged with UMFCU, bringing with it over 700 members, and allowing UMFCU to expand its regional coverage into Utah, Colorado, and Eastern Wyoming.

Then in October of 2003, UMFCU opened its first branch at the Desert Southwest Annual Conference Center in Phoenix, AZ. The branch serves all Methodists in this conference.

All of the noted mergers and field of membership expansions have provided the means for the United Methodist Federal Credit Union to grow and expand in a positive manner. A continually progressive strategic business plan assures that the UMFCU will move forward with controlled and manageable growth as we continue to light the way to financial stewardship.

© 2006 United Methodist Federal Credit Union
All Rights Reserved.

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